How to setup as a Webserver using EC2 and S3 Bucket?

Hey everyone, Welcome again to my Blog post, here i am sharing my learning that I have learning with the ongoing Online Program by Vimal Daga Sir “Hybrid Cloud Computing”. Below I have given the information and his vision everyone should know about.
Now lets discuss everything,you are here for. So lets begin…….
We will Launch a EC2 server and Configure it as a Webserver and use the S3 bucket to store the contents like images in it.
Already Launched EC2 Instance.
Step1: After you Login to your EC2 install the Apache HTTP Server (httpd).

Step2: Go to your /var/www/html and create the MyWebsite.html Page.

Step3: After the start the httpd service and check if it is in running status.

Step4: Now we will update the Security Group of your EC2 instance. Go to your respective EC2 group -> Add Inbound Rules -> Add rule and add http type and port 80.

Step5: Now we will create the S3 Bucket. Go to services and search for S3.Click on it and then you will see this page.

Step6: Click on Create Bucket Button and give it the unique name. And in this process it will a

Step7: In Permission section uncheck the option Block all and after it will look like this. Check the box of I acknowledge. Review and create the bucket.

Step8: Now to store the image in the S3 Bucket click on the bucket and the upload files.

Step9: When you tick the checkbox for the image and you will see the url (Object Url) the description. Copy it and add to your html page.

Step10: Now the final step to get your result.Open tab in the browser and enter the url http://<your_ec2_ip>:80/MyWebsite.html

Here we go………..our website is here.
Thanks for reading this if you find it helpful please give some claps. See you in the next topic.
Here is some Information about Mr. Vimal Daga. Please check out the link and you tube vedio where he explained his vision of making India future ready.